The scientific N-Boost® pasture trials have been peer reviewed both in New Zealand and internationally including trial design, statistical analysis, product performance and an overall meta-analysis of the data.
AsureQuality Peer Review
This report by AsureQuality reviews the New Zealand field trials on pasture conducted by Donaghys to evaluate pasture responses to the application of N-Boost® in association with urea. It considers the design and execution of the field trials as well as the analysis and reporting of results. “Overall, the adopted trial design and statistical analyses are scientifically robust.”
Fertiliser Quality Council Peer Review Report
This Fertiliser Quality Council peer review is a report of the Expert Panel on the pasture trial programme conducted by Donaghys to support their claims regarding the agronomic performance of N-Boost®. “This current review concludes that the overall trial program has been designed and conducted in a scientifically credible manner.”
Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre
A paper entitled “Nitrogen Response Effect of LessN®: A Meta-Analysis” was presented at the Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre (FLRC) Conference at Massey University on 12-14 February 2013.
Saville Statistical Consulting Ltd
“In general terms, the LessN40 treatment yielded twice the DM response per kg of applied nitrogen as did the two treatments with the same rate of applied nitrogen (40 kg urea/ha), and was equivalent to the two treatments with twice the rate applied urea (80 kg/ha).”
Journal of Plant Nutrition, USA: How well do fertilizer enhancers work?
N-Boost® biostimulant sprayed with dissolved urea increased pasture nitrogen response by an equivalent of 18.0 kg N/ ha compared to urea alone in nitrogen responsive and label conditions trials. This was similar to a manufacturer claim that the product increases nitrogen response by an equivalent of 18.4 kg N/ha.
VSN New Zealand Ltd
“I would conclude that on average there was less than a 3% difference between the two treatments [LessN® System vs. 80kg urea per hectare].”
“The average addition[al] kg of N over 40 kg required to give the same response as LessN is 39 kg with a 95% interval of (35-44) kg.”
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