
N-Boost and nitrogen use calculator

The calculator below allows you to enter your Farm Input parameters so you can see the financial impact of using the N-Boost system on your farm.
Farmer Inputs
No. of Hectares
Solid application (spreading) cost ($ / hectare)
N-Boost application (spraying) cost ($ / hectare)
Urea price ($ / tonne)
N Boost cost ($ / Litre)
Revenue ($ / KG milk solids)
Fertiliser/ N-Boost Assumptions Current situation
(Pre N cap)
2. Partial use of N-Boost 3. Full use of N-Boost
Spread urea rate per round (kg/ha) 0
No. of solid (spread) urea applications 0
Urea rate per round with N-Boost spray system (kg/ha) 0
No. of N-Boost system (spray) applications (rounds) 0
N Boost rate (Litres / hectare) 3 3 3
Nitrogen applied per ha p.a. from spread urea 184 110.4 0
Nitrogen applied per ha p.a. from N-Boost system 0 73.6 184
Total KG Nitrogen applied per ha p.a. 258 184 129
From Donaghys scientific pasture trials      
Pasture N Response to solid N (KG DM / KG Nitrogen) 12 12 12
Pasture N Response to N-Boost 24 24 24
Milk solids response (KG DM / 1 KG milk solids) 12.8 12.8 12.8
CALCULATED RESULTS per ha Total farm per ha Total farm per ha Total farm
Total Dry Matter grown due to nitrogen application 2208 514464 3091 720250 4416 1028928
Total milksolids produced 173 40193 242 56270 345 80385
Total milk solids revenue earned 1164 271299 1630 379819 2329 542599
Cost of solid N 322 75026 322 75026 322 75026
Cost of solid N application 95.00 22135 57.00 13281 $0.00 $0
Cost of N-Boost $0.00 $0 77.64 18090 194.10 45225
Cost of N-Boost application $0.00 $0 112.00 26096 280.00 65240
Total costs including application p.a. 417.00 97161 569.00 132493 796.10 185491
Total costs including application per ha, per round 83.40   n/a (2 systems) 79.61  
Contribution to profit from nitrogen use 747 174138 1061 247326 1533 357107
Difference in calculated profit from current situation   73188 182969
* The above tables are examples only using the average nitrogen responses obtained from independent and in-house scientific fully replicated pasture trials.
The average pasture response of 24KG of dry matter per KG of Nitrogen applied was obtained from using 40KG of dissolved urea (18.4KG N) in Donaghys N-Boost system. Using less or more nitrogen from dissolved urea or other sources in conjunction with Donaghys N-Boost may also affect the pasture response. Due to temperatures, weather, soil conditions including available nutrients and other factors, pasture response from using Donaghys N-Boost may vary.