


10 Litres

100 Litres


Donaghys Grunt 600 Glyphosate is the strongest fully surfactant loaded glyphosate in the world. It is a non-residual herbicide for non-selective control of most annual and perennial weeds and a wide range of brush weeds in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and industrial areas. Grunt 600 does not contain POEA and the surfactant is based on environmentally friendly surfactants which are readily biodegradable.

  • Fully loaded with environmentally friendly and biodegradable surfactants
  • Low application rates
  • 5 years research and trial work
  • Non-residual, foliar absorbed and translocated herbicide
  • Non withholding period, except for ragwort
Registered Pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No. P008482 – Patent NZ572414
Actives: 600 g/L glyphosate as the potassium and triethanolamine salts in the form of a soluble concentrate.
    LabelFact Sheet


    10 Litres

    100 Litres