SIZE | 20 Litres | 200 Litres |
1,000 Litres |
Donaghys N-Boost® is a patented nitrogen booster using world first technology for pasture and selected crops.
The N-Boost® System (designed for application on pasture) is 40kg/ha of urea dissolved in water with 3L/ha of N-Boost®, typically sprayed at 200L/ha.
In cropping situations, foliar applications of 3-6L/ha of N-Boost® are applied at specific growth stages to complement standard fertiliser applications.
By adopting the N-Boost® System, farmers can:
Find out how N-Boost can benefit your farming system
Since 2008, there have been over 280 N-Boost® pasture and crop trials conducted by over 40 independent universities and organisations.
Modelling of a typical 160ha Canterbury dairy farm, using the Overseer® nutrient budget software, indicated up to a 15% reduction in nitrogen leaching from using the N-Boost® System at 40kg/ha of urea compared to 80kg/ha of urea only, without compromising pasture production. Click here for the Overseer® report.
Donaghys N-Boost® is the original scientifically proven and trusted Donaghys LessN® with the same ingredients and method of application.
©2019 Donaghys Ltd